“Matthew Robson, an intern at Morgan Stanley’s London office, has lots to say about media platforms of all kinds — so much that the bank’s analysts asked him to assess the habits of his friends when it comes to TV, radio, the Internet, the works,” writes Mark Lacter at LAObserved.
For this to make sense, keep in mind Lacter contributes to the coverage LAObserved reserves for the ongoing collective nervous breakdown and collapse of journalism at the Los Angeles Times. And as part of that, and part of the media scene in LA as a whole, there’s a regular interest in the loss of readership to the freetard crowd.
With that comes the regular appearance of what DD calls, “Let’s ask what one of the Lords of the Flies thinks!”
Translated, it’s called the “ask the teenager!” exercise. Or, in this case, the poxy fifteen-year old.
However, DD freely admits that at the age of fifteen he was a bona fide douchebag, like almost all fifteen year-old boys. And he liked shit that was free, even though there wasn’t an Internet to ease the mooching.
So, in Lacter’s piece, readers are directed out to a ‘study’ put out by Morgan Stanley, one in which “Matthew Robson,” fifteen years old, spills the beans on stuff even your dog or cat probably knows.
From an older blog entry on this old tactic:
DD has now been in cyberspace for almost two decades and has seen a variety of teenagers come and grow into not-teenagers along with stories in which journalists seek their wisdom in order to divine the future. The results have always been the same, just like reading unmoderated comments pages or the old Usenet: You get a kick in the nuts and your glasses broken, gratis.
One thing DD can tell from the Morgan Stanley report, which is here. Their banks analysts and bosses are not just really cheap. They also enjoy playing their clients for fools.
Banksters taking clients for a ride. How novel.
Take this emission from the fifteen year-old wanker, on TV habits: “Most teenagers watch television, but usually there are points in the year where they watch more than average. This is due to programs coming on in seasons…”
“That’s brilliant!” to paraphrase the cartoon guy in the old Guiness commercial.
“Teenage boys usually watch more TV when it is the football season …” it continues, in case you thought such nuggets of precious nose gold were a fluke.
“No teenager that I know of regularly reads a newspaper, as most do not have the time and cannot be bothered to read pages and pages of text while they could watch the news summarized on the Internet or on TV,” reports Robson.
It’s not hard to imagine the sound of the voice. It’s the Lord of the Flies tone, the one used to explain how ‘you’, Piggy, will be getting no meat at the pig roast.
Did DD say he was a fifteen-year old douchebag, too? And I didn’t read the newspaper, either.
There was one key difference. My opinions were not collected by a business consultancy, for free, to be resold as advice to the easily hoodwinked.
“Young Robson stands out because his findings are attracting such attention — even as they seem so anecdotal and flimsy,” writes Lacter at LAObserved.
“From the point of view of an al Qaida military leader, Western intelligence agents are now ubiquitous in the lands of Islam, and their operations have been extraordinarily effective,” writes Steve Aftergood at his Secrecy Blog.
The post and accompanying al Qaeda document affords a view of the enemy not often seen in the US press — a view of a foe confused and afraid, badly hurt by the presence of American forces in their land.
It also shows ingenious use of simple printed circuits and the lowly nine volt battery.
Pictured within the al Qaeda document, they are small homing beacons, planted on al Qaeda men and in their abodes (or in the haunts of the innocent, if the intel and source on the ground is bad), for the purpose of Predator drone targeting. And it seems they have succeeded in their purpose often enough to merit significant effort to confiscate them and get warning out.
Today, a column at the Motley Fool flails around because it can’t figure out what stock to recommend as a result of the Pathetic War. Other than the usual defense contracting giants like Lockheed Martin. Since the Pathetic War doesn’t immediately seem to lend itself to windfalls of opportunity in financial speculation and carpet-bagging, this is a matter of some dismay.
The Fool asks for a magic wand in cyberspace — the ability to immediately identify precisely who is launching the attack. Since that’s not going to happen anytime soon, it opens the door for a lot of charlatans who say they can do it. All they have to do is send their press releases to the Motley Fool.
Business sections are also mad for anyone who can show a Pathetic War ‘job-creation’ angle, as evidenced by this bit of fluff at the Washington Post.
IT jobs! That’s the ticket! Company’s are always hiring! They can’t fill the positions fast enough!
Here’s the pail-of-fail truth: You’re middle-aged or old and one of the half million/per month who’s been fired for the last half year. You’ll need another degree to get into the market. So forget it, unless your parents or someone else will again bankroll your continuing education. Besides, fours year later, you’ll be that much more an old-looking flat tire compared to the new college grads.
Second pailful of fail: You already have the training, but you’re still screwed. No one wants you when they can have a young whipper-snapper for less than what you were earning when you were fired. Plus, everyone knows kids are the only ones who know about hacking. And that’s a permanent pail of fail.
“Austin-based 21st Century Technologies signed a $1 million cybersecurity contract with the U.S. Air Force,” reports the Austin-American Statesman.
“The company said the Air Force will use its Lynxeon intelligence analytics software to strengthen the government’s ability to head of cyberattacks.
“The contract runs from June 2009 to December 2011. The system will be used at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.
“The company said between 20 and 100 jobs are expected to be created over the life of the contract.”
“Yippie!!!!” writes one astute commenter. “$10,000 a year jobs created by Obama. Great piece of news Austin American. That should pay a lot of rent and utility bills.”
With a facility for arithmetic, the man gets to the nut of the matter. Most of the money is for software, installation, maintenance and consulting through a small shop, not job creation per se.
“A North Korean army lab of hackers was ordered to ‘destroy’ South Korean communications networks — evidence the isolated regime was behind cyberattacks that paralyzed South Korean and American Web sites — news reports said Saturday, citing an intelligence briefing,” read an AP wire news story today.
“[SK lawmakers were told Friday] that a research institute affiliated with the North’s Ministry of People’s Armed Forces received an order to ‘destroy the South Korean puppet communications networks in an instant’ … ”
New claims for unemployment insurance plummeted by 52,000 to a seasonally-adjusted 565,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That’s significantly below analysts’ expectations of 605,000 for the week ending July 4, according to Thomson Reuters. The last time new claims were below 600,000 was week of Jan. 24.
“This is not as positive as it looks,” Jennifer Lee, an economist at BMO Capital Markets, wrote in a note to clients. “There are a number of special factors at play here, including the fact that the holiday-shortened week skewed the data.”
Now there’s a good word to use — plummeted. Let’s try a few examples on for size.
The fortunes of 565,000 Americans plummeted last month.
The chances that you’ll be able to keep up your mortgage payments now that you’ve been fired have plummeted.
Do you think your credit rating will have plummeted by this time next year?
How many more people do you think will have plummeted to their deaths from the San Francisco Bay Bridge than usual this time next year?
The public’s belief in what is printed in the business sections of newspapers has plummeted.
North Korea: We’ll make a handful of your websites load slow!
South Korea: Just wait! Once we get our electromagnetic pulse bomb to work at a range of greater than ten yards …
North Korea: Your EMP-bomb building scientists have nothing on our selfless warriors. They can can modify a five-year-old computer virus as well as Internet script kiddies or maybe even a little better! Tomorrow we strike your Imperialist puppet-master pigdogs at dol.gov as another example that you are powerless! Powerless!
South Korea: Our electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bombs, if exploded, will jam and damage your defence systems! Then you will not be able to rewrite more computer viruses!
North Korea: Tomorrow we will inflict more merciless retribution and pounding on your decadent overlords as well as make the website of your evil Ministry of Agriculture to load slow, if maybe at all. At least five people will be made to work overtime!
“This is how small powers can damage large ones in an era of asymetric warfare.” — frightened at the Booman Tribune.
“If it is verified that North Korea is the origin of the cyber attacks, perhaps it is time to take some action against them — something more serious than begging them to be good. They have shown they are a dangerous outlaw nation.” — some random Blogger blog.
“Attack on government computers draws speculation and shrugs …” Los Angeles Times.
What to do, what to do, about The Pathetic War? Or, “Who Should We Bomb?”
“If the attacks caused harm to anyone ‘you get more serious, and start thinking and talking about it as an act of war or at least state-sponsored violence,’ said Michael O’Hanlon, a defense analysts at the Brookings Institution.”
Appearing in an Associated Press story today, readers will remember O’Hanlon as the famous ‘liberal hawk’ who lobbied vigorously for the Iraq War and, years later, was tossed in the rubbish bin by everyone still possessing even a shred of common sense.
Will O’Hanlon launder himself fresh on the cybersecurity beat?
“And if you go out over the networks to strike back at Pyongyang, how can you be sure you’re not accidentally going to also take down Japan at the same time? You could end up shooting the wrong guy.” — someone with more apparent brains.
However, if readers review an older piece on cyberwar-retaliation at all el Reg, one written by your host, not everyone will be on board with restraint, moderation and good sense. Keep in mind, this article was written as a bit of dry satire.
However, that was well before the triumph of The Pathetic War.
When it comes to carpet-bombing a foreign country’s cyberspatial infrastructure, the proper intelligence will be important, reasons [a US military man]. But no capability should be particularly restricted by details. If the US blows some puny country off the Internet and it turns out that their computers were only being used by others, the retaliation will have had, in any case, a warning effect. After all, a weapon has no deterrence if you keep it a secret. And besides, they’ll probably have had it coming.
“Brute force has an elegance all its own,” the man [said].
DD on McIntyre in the Morning, K ABC AM 790, Los Angeles
Host Peter Tilden: Hey, we have three computers in my house and I can’t get my kid’s to work right on the Internet. Do you know what to do?
DD: Sorry, can’t help you there.
Fast forward to end of segment
Tilden: The least he could have done was fix my kid’s computer.
“Our [South Korean] EMP devices can currently affect systems only tens of meters away, but our aim is to extend the reach to one km by 2014,” Yonhap news agency quoted an official as saying.
“An EMP bomb cannot be considered effective unless its range is at least one km,” an official said.
The development effort, which has been under way for nearly a decade according to the officials …
Did your computer slow down on the Internet yesterday, Daddy?
I always come across slow websites, kid. When I went to log onto the Department of Homeland Security’s website, my MSN browser sent me to Bing instead. Twice. The third time was OK, though.
And my computer crashes at least once a day. I can never tell if it’s North Korean cybermen, China or just me.
And everyone knows you just can’t call up reporters from the New York Times and say stupid mostly made-up shit to them and get it into print, right!?
Now, if you don’t have a sense of humor at the absurd nature of this, you’re going to hurt yourself jumping all over the story.
We just returned from an emergency meeting in Seoul at the Cyber Terror Response Center. Team leader Chang Seok-hwa briefed us that North Korea is stepping up its attacks, probably in advance of a massive physical attack that will roll across the DMZ. South Korea’s military is now implementing the first part of its plan to shut down the country’s major Internet pipelines in order to protect the country from North Korea’s cyber military might. More news as I get it.
Spoiler alert: The above clip is a ‘honeypot,’ installed by one of DD’s pals. Can you guess who it belongs to?
“Cyberattacks that have crippled the Web sites of several major American and South Korean government agencies since the July 4th holiday weekend appear to have been launched by a hostile group or government, [said] South Korea’s main government spy agency said on Wednesday,” reported the Times.
“The opposition Democratic Party accused the spy agency of spreading unsubstantiated rumors to whip up support for a new anti-terrorism bill that would give it more power.”
As usual, in cyberwar, a central plank of critical thinking goes missing. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and substantive argument in support. Or else they’re just more of the usual squawk about s— happening on the Net, the daily crap that everyone must deal with, regardless of who did it or point of origin.
You haff made [a website] run slow. Now I am here to upgrade you.
North Korean ‘cyberattack’ linked to an upgraded a newer version of the old MyDoom computer virus, which dates from 2004 or so.
List of sites ‘attacked’ in the cyberwar — here, at Panda.
List of sites to be attacked, extracted from new version of MyDoom virus — here.
In another manner of speaking, that’s close enough for government work. And it indicates that just about anyone, or any group, could have done this with relative ease, rewriting computer viruses to do your bidding being not much of a feat of arms. The really good news is that if it actually is a North Korean operation (and I have my doubts), then it is the very definition of pathetic. If it’s a usual hacker/virus-writer doing something NK sympathetic and wishing to show how the Great Satan can be struck, it’s also not much to get excited over.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that DD visits dhs.gov and voanews.gov regularly and wouldn’t have known there was a ‘cyberattack’ if the newsmedia hadn’t informed him. And that’s something a Fox News piece also reported: ” … [And] yet the Pentagon wasn’t informed about the attacks until Wednesday — by hearing about it from the media.”
This raises the philosophical question: What happens when you launch a cyberwar and can’t get the newsmedia to notice?
“DHS.gov is just one of the sites slowed down by last weekend’s attack from North Korea, or the MyDoom virus, or both, or possibly neither… ” reads a recent piece from Popular Science.
More DD quote:
“You think this is North Korea? That’s kinda pathetic on their part … They have nuclear weapons, and they choose to attack by making websites slower? If there hadn’t been news stories, would anyone have noticed? Probably not.”
If only we had that electromagnetic pulse bomb now we could use it to stop that cyberwar
“South Korean military officials are developing an electromagnetic pulse bomb designed to incapacitate electronic equipment, a source says,” informs UPI.
“Citing an unnamed military source, Chosun Ilbo reported Wednesday Seoul’s EMP bomb could be used to neutralize missile-guidance systems or other equipment within a 330-foot radius of its detonation …”
Remember, in this version of the electromagnetic pulse bomb story, it’s OUR weapon that’s about to reach maturation, not the terrorist dream (or North Korea or Iran’s) which will return the US, in one mighty blow, to the time of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
“America’s Strategic Trap?” wonders a recent Chinese opinion piece, translated here. The article was in the context of the recent waterfall of news on cyberwar.
And it continues to show the Chinese have finally (it’s taken them some time) become wise to the practices of western journalists on the cybersecurity beat. The cardinal rule has been: Blame China for malicious Internet activity aimed at the US.
In Asia, they’ve now started to return the paranoia, delusions and hype.
And so it opines:
America’s control of the internet stretches far beyond most people’s imaginations. Once the internet war breaks out, the U.S. government will make use of its terrifying powers over internet technology. Therefore, the United States is tempting other countries to begin the internet arms race. Once begun, America will exert its own online prowess on other, weaker countries, dragging them down.
“Meanwhile, the United States wants to lure other countries into participating in an online ‘arms race,'” it concludes. “Acting as the ‘international police’ of cyber world, the U.S. could utilize certain clauses and excuses to infringe on the sovereignty of other countries or intervene in their domestic affairs.”
Technically, there’s so much badness floating about, it invites a rhetorical comparison with a sewer.
As a thought excercise, imagine you’ve been tossed into an ocean of raw sewage and been told that’s where you’re going to be doing business for the rest of your life.
Whoaa … who does that river of excrement belong to? Organized crime? Spammers from India? China? US cybermen? Do you even care about the distinctions?
It was yet again another example of the practice in which a journalist accepts uncritically anything he’s told by a small number of sources. Then the news agency runs with it because it sounds so cool and it’s a little short on Jacko pieces today.
In the late 1990s, a computer specialist from Israel’s Shin Bet internal security service hacked into the mainframe of the Pi Glilot fuel depot north of Tel Aviv.
It was meant to be a routine test of safeguards at the strategic site. But it also tipped off the Israelis to the potential such hi-tech infiltrations offered for real sabotage.
“Once inside the Pi Glilot system, we suddenly realized that, aside from accessing secret data, we could also set off deliberate explosions, just by programing a re-route of the pipelines,” said a veteran of the Shin Bet drill.
Of course, we’ve seen crapola about causing explosions remotely before.
“China could launch a devastating computer-run sabotage operation by attacking U.S. oil refineries, many of which are grouped closely together in areas of Texas, New Jersey and California.
“A [Chinese] computer attacker could penetrate the electronic ‘gate’ that controls refinery operations and cause fires or toxic chemical spills . . . “
This was back in 1999. It appeared in the Washington Times. And DD recapped it here on the old blog a couple years ago.
It wasn’t true then.
And common sense and a normal sense of skepticism would point you in the direction of it still not being so, for any number of reasons, like: the reporter was being lied to as part of an operation to make Iranians paranoid, relation of a story by a third party who was, in reality, recalling the equivalent of watercooler gossip and old wive’s tales, someone imagining grandiose things one can do with cyberwar because they’ve read it so many times elsewhere, etc…
The important truth test remains unfulfilled.
In national security affairs, extraordinary claims require extraordinary and substantive proof in support of them. Absent that, they’re just gossip. And ten or twenty or thirty people or sources repeating the same gossip does not automatically transform it into truth.
If you decide to discard such critical thinking, like the US, you get what later becomes obvious to all. You believe your own fairy tales, get yourself off to a disastrous war, receive years and years of rude and unpleasant shocks, and have your reputation trashed.
But DD digresses.
“To judge by my interaction with Israeli experts in various international forums, Israel can definitely be assumed to have advanced cyber-attack capabilities,” one person told Reuters. This was a fellow advertised as “director of the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit, which advises various Washington agencies on cyber security.”
The US Cyberconsequences Unit is not a government agency. It is another of many small companies interesting in selling cyberwar and cybersecurity defense plans and consulting. It has one whole web page to mark its existence, not counting the contact form and confidentiality guarantee.
“Technolytics Institute, an American consultancy, last year rated Israel the sixth-biggest ‘cyber warfare threat,’ after China, Russia, Iran, France and ‘extremist/terrorist groups,” continues Reuters.
Like the forbidding US Cyberconsequences Unit, Technolytics is a small cybersecurity consulting shop, located in McMurray, PA. See a handful of press releases here.
At the end of the Reuters piece, the equivalent of the kook’s kitchen sink is tossed in, the electromagnetic pulse bomb.
“Jesus H. Christ!” DD hears you mutter.
DD covered this aspect of the EMP crazy story earlier this year. And that’s the part where the electromagnetic pulse bomb is a gadget of the US military. (One of the endlessly fine things about electromagnetic pulse crazy is that it works two ways. It can be the terrorist’s dream, capable of sending the country back to the time of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with one mighty blow. Or it can be our weapon, capable of taking down the electronic infrastructure of enemies without shedding blood and smashing things to bits like we usually do.)
The electromagnetic pulse bomb — our flavor — is best described as the weapon that is always said to be coming and coming, it’s almost here now, it’s here (!), wait — no it isn’t, and — finally, nope, still not here.
Sometimes, however, electromagnetic pulse bombs or things said to be EMP bombs are dimly seen or tested. That’s been covered, too. Think of them as regular bombs with fancy parts/rubbish added on — with the fancy stuff designed to do the electromagnetic part not working so well.
Sadly, the electromagnetic pulse bomb is NOT in the building, ladies and gentlemen. In a news article, however, it is an indication that a journalist is grasping at straws.
“State of War,” a 2006 book by New York Times reporter James Risen, recounted a short-lived plan by the CIA and its Israeli counterpart Mossad to fry the power lines of an Iranian nuclear facility using a smuggled electromagnetic-pulse (EMP) device.
And everyone knows you just can’t call up reporters from the New York Times and say stupid mostly made-up shit to them and get it into print, right!?
“A massive, nation-wide EMP attack on Iran could be effected by detonating a nuclear device at atmospheric height,” adds Reuters.
Yes, shooting an ICBM at Iran bolt-out-of-the-blue, whether it detonates on the ground or in the atmosphere, would really be a fantastic thing, marvelled at by all worldwide.
All our friends want the bomb that’s never quite here. According to the Korea Times:
“The South Korean military will have an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb in five years that is capable of crippling an enemy’s command-and-control, communications and defense radar systems.
“The state-funded Agency for Defense Development (ADD) plans to complete the development of the bomb by 2014, agency officials said Tuesday.
“EMP offers a significant capability against electronic equipment susceptible to damage by transient power surges …”
Concerned about EMP attack closing the guns & ammo shop early? Look at the bright side: It would end the creep toward socialism and healthcare reform.
If a thing is backed up by hard science and poses a real danger for everyone on the planet, [like global warming], the Republican party denies its existence. If, however, the threat is something rather abstract to almost all Americans, rests almost entirely on theoretical prediction, is something not likely to ever occur at all, and then only in the context of what would promise to be an all out nuclear war, [like electromagnetic pulse doom], the GOP believes in it very strongly.
So it was written earlier this week in a piece on how the Republican Party has taken years to ensure that it has the vote of every single person concerned about devastating electromagnetic pulse attack.
It is a voting demographic entirely lost to the Democrat Party.
“In recent weeks, I have attended two lectures that discussed what could be the greatest existential threat to the U.S: EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, attacks,” wrote Brett Joshpe at the American Spectator on July 1. Upon logon, the publication shoots a pop-up at you, one featuring comedian, actor, global-warming denier and non-believer in evolution, Ben Stein. That would cover all the important bases.
“Although an EMP attack would utilize conventional nuclear weapons, it is an infrequently discussed aspect of our nuclear policy, and one for which we are woefully unprepared,” continued the Spectator lede.
If [the threat of electromagnetic pulse doom] is not enough to wake up members of Congress and a seemingly unaware public, then recent activity by American adversaries should,” Joshpe warned. “The Wall Street Journal reported in April that Russia, China, and other countries have ‘penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system.’ ”
First, Carlini quotes from ol’ DD without crediting (I’m sure he didn’t mean to).
“If you read some of the extremists from both sides, you get a range of comments. For example:”
New America paranoids have a very special flavor of craziness. It’s the belief that the country will be devastated by an electromagnetic pulse attack and not enough is being done to combat the grave threat.
Then he quotes from one of the first ranks of the EMP crazy side — the Heritage Foundation — which does get a credit.
Since it’s the stock EMP crazy rubbish though, it doesn’t count much. All EMP nutter stuff is written the same, tolerating no deviance from the script’s numbing repetition.
As proof, from the Heritage Foundation piece’s first graf:
A major threat to America has been largely ignored by those who could prevent it. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could wreak havoc on the nation’s electronic systems—shutting down power grids, sources, and supply mechanisms.
Yeah, yeah, heard it, been there, broken record.
But back to Carlini, who opines that EMP attack could cost the country more than a few ‘TARPs’. He writes plaintively:
There is a time for fear mongering and a time to wake up to the facts. Now is the time to wake up to the facts. The media should be covering EMP bombs rather than the latest political sex scandal.
DD has a suggestion: More electromagnetic pulse doom news, less Jacko!
Alert readers may have sussed that the current spurt from electromagnetic pulse nutters derives some perspiration and inspiration from North Korean missile testing. Lost, however, is the reality that North Korea’s atomic tests have been fizzles, although the more recent one was less of a failure.
North Korea, it seems, just can’t get things quite right. It carefully prepares the stage, explodes its bomb … and then western analysts spoil the party.
Nevertheless, it has spurred talk of electromagnetic pulse attack and news stories in South Korea on the government planning for the same.
“South Korea plans to improve defenses by 2014 against nuclear electromagnetic pulse attacks that could devastate power grids and electronic systems,” reported the Korea Herald this weekend.
The ministry announced a 178 trillion won ($141 billion) mid-term defense plan for 2010-14, aimed to bolster response to North Korean nuclear and missile threats.
The military will spend about 100 billion won to ready measures to shield strategic assets from a possible EMP strike from North Korea. About 6 billion won has been earmarked to fund the project design in next year’s budget.
No electromagnetic pulse doom abatement plan would be complete without the purchase of American arms to seek out and destroy an enemy’s weapons:
“The Defense Ministry also said yesterday it would purchase U.S. high-altitude unmanned spy aircraft called ‘Global Hawk’ in 2015 … U.S. bunker-busting bombs capable of destroying underground enemy targets will be introduced next year, officials said.”
And here’s even more from yet another handful of EMP loons at the Heritage Foundation. Yes, at Heritage they just can’t repeat the same script enough. You’re just not listening people! Ninety percent of Americans could die!
In 33 minutes or less, life as we know it in America could end. That’s how long it would take for an enemy ballistic missile launched from the other side of the world to hit the United States. If it carried and detonated a nuclear weapon high over the center of the country, the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) would literally fry the nation’s electrical grid and all of the circuitry that powers our homes, businesses, hospitals, phones, cars, planes, traffic lights, ATMs, water supplies, and anything else not “hardened” against such attacks. The EMP Commission chairman has testified that, within just one year of such an attack, 70 percent to 90 percent of Americans would be dead from starvation and disease.
What’s the answer? Spend more on missile defense. Stop funding those parasitic social welfare/entitlement programs. Stop wasting money improving fuel efficiency by trying to get ‘clunkers’ off the road! More EMP attack abatement, dammit!
The EMP crazy lobby also has videos.
Here are a couple featuring William Forstchen. For the first, on Fox, he declares North Korea to be fully capable of imposing electromagnetic doom on the US.
The second is an excerpt from “Coast to Coast,” a famous radio show devoted to UFO kooks.
And here’s a home video on how to protect your stuff from EMP doom. Put those old ammunition cans to good use.
And here is another dude from the EMP lobby, RP Eddy, also on Fox News.
Here’s a video staging of how EMP doom would occur, your bank account kaput, our country sent back to a pre-industrial age, a living American nightmare. It’s put together by defense hawk and EMP crazy Frank Gaffney, of the Center for Security Policy.
Electromagnetic pulse crazy eminence grise Newt Gingrich, on Fox News. Mark Sanford, pre-news of Argentine love frenzy, dragged in, too.
The Delilah Bomb, because it would steal our strength, like she stole Samson’s. Welcome to the 1880s!
“Contrary to media reports, it is not true that an EMP attack from a typical strategic weapon would completely shut down the electronics within a country. First, the effect is statistical in nature – some systems will not notice the pulse at all while identical counterparts will be affected. Second, the most likely effect from an EMP attack is ‘upset’ rather than destruction …”
Oddly, found here. Indicating the chorus of busted GOP wristwatches is occasionally interrupted by someone quoting from an actual expert source.