
The Alleged Chinese Threat

Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 10:50 pm by George Smith

From a computer magazine, about our congressional heroes in the intelligence committee:

The heads of six U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies told the Senate Intelligence Committee this week that they could not recommend that U.S. residents buy Huawei or ZTE products. The implication of this very public warning is that the Chinese brands pose a risk to national security — and possibly to consumer security as well.

But are you really running a higher privacy or security risk if you use a Huawei or ZTE smartphone? Would they be riskier than any other Chinese-made phones? We put the question to some experts in the field.

“Pretty simply, no and no,” said George Smith, a senior fellow at the GlobalSecurity.org think tank. “You can’t avoid Chinese products, anyway, in the market, so one wonders why they would even get around to saying this.”

The story in its entirety.