
Mr. Cyberwar-Shoeshine

Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 9:24 am by George Smith

There’s no place safe from electronic Pearl Harbor, not even lowly Huntsville, Alabama. Or rather, there’s no place the plutocrat cutpurses and their shoeshine boys in the national cyberwar industry find too small if there are taxpayer dollars to be taken off the rubes.

Infamous cyberwar-shoeshine man, Mike McConnell, picked up his check from the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce and a legal firm, delivering this to the local businessmen:

The only way the U.S. will improve its defenses against cyber attacks is if there is a modern-day, Pearl Harbor-like attack or if Americans get agitated enough to ask for answers, according to the former director of the National Security Agency.

Mike McConnell, an expert in cyber security and vice chair of Booz Allen Hamilton, said both Pearl Harbor and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks could have been prevented if the U.S agencies were were better equipped and if they worked in better cooperation with each other. All the intelligence needed was known, McConnell — who led the NSA from 1992 until 1996 and now serves as vice chairman of Booz Allen Hamilton — said. (In 2007 he was appointed as Director of National Intelligence by President George W. Bush.)

“We had all the pieces, but not the imagination” he told a Huntsville audience at the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville-Madison County this evening. The event was sponsored by Birmingham-base law firm Sirote and Permutt PC.

The post informs Huntsville is the “No. 2 target in the U.S. for foreign intelligence efforts.”

They’re number TWO!

“With nearly 20 percent of Alabamians receiving food assistance, the state ranks above the national average,” reads a local Alabama news article from last summer. “Experts say this trend seems to be an increasing one.”

Money for cyberwar shoeshine, but trying to opt out of Obamacare for the disadvantaged, too, it seems.

More on Mike Cyberwar-Shoeshine — from the archives.

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