
If it’s total shit, someone’s thought of it

Posted in Culture of Lickspittle at 11:21 am by George Smith

From the wires, news of yet another tv series on the Culture of Lickspittle phenomenon known as bigfoot:

“When I saw this, it truly blew my mind,” [the creator of a new bigfoot reality show] told Yahoo! TV. “It’s not my world, but there’s all different kinds of DNA, obviously, like hair, fur, saliva, stuff that maybe scraped off onto branches … scat is obviously a very big piece [of evidence] in the woods. And for the scat, it’s so crazy that it can be determined, within several hours, what animal it has come from, very specifically, through the DNA sequencing. And even when samples are found, our experts have this knowledge … and in the lab, there’s a textbook that is just filled with pictures of various kinds of scat, from every animal. It shows the picture of the animal, the shape of the scat … it’s all really crazy, but hearing all these folks talk about it is fascinating.”

Basing your show on a hunt for bigfoot dung. Science! For Idiots! Who Enjoy Video of Seeing Other People Stepping into Cow Patties & Other Places Where People Took a Dump in the Woods!

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