
Abrin is the new ricin

Posted in Bioterrorism, Culture of Lickspittle, Ricin Kooks at 1:06 pm by George Smith

Today, more indirect news evidence the Dept. of Homeland Security and FBI are heavily engaged in surveillance of Internet web sites on the Internet and/or on the Tor network. In this instance, a fascinating tidbit in the United Kingdom, a collateral arrest linked to the investigation of Black Market Reloaded and Jesse Korff.

From a small English newspaper:

A banker accused of trying to kill her magistrate mother at their Stratford home by lacing her Diet Coke with a poison more deadly than ricin is to stand trial in July after appearing at Southwark Crown Court today where she was further remanded in custody.

Kuntal Patel,36, is alledged to have plotted to kill Meena Patel,54, using abrin-a rare poison extracted from the seeds of a Peruvian plant.

She was arrested by counter terrrorism officers at the £450,000 home they share in Park Road earlier this month after US homeland security is believed to have tipped off Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command about a website based in the US which specialised in selling lethal toxins.

She is not facing terrorist charges, but is accused of attempted murder between December 10 2013 and January 26.

The Mirror also informs: “Their home has been subject to a four-day fingertip search by police wearing masks and protective suits.”

Three raids in London were conducted in connection with the case.

And last week, one kook in New York:

City cops are using facial recognition software and leaning on the FBI and Interpol to learn more about the unhinged Swedish man who showed up at a Bronx police station with cyanide.

Jonathan Norling, 22, had more of the toxin and a suicide note in his Cadillac. Another poison, abrin, was found in his Cruger Ave. apartment, cops said. Officers also recovered 9-mm. pistol and an AR-15 assault rifle in his rented U-Haul truck …

[Norling] claimed to have a background in chemistry and an expertise in computer hacking, though detectives doubt his claim that he hacked into Citibank when he was 14.

[Norling] told police he tried to make cyanide himself, failed to do so, then hacked into [Black Market Reloaded], an Internet black market that he accessed using [the TOR network], which is free software that provides online anonymity and hides the user’s location. He then purchased the cyanide online.

What’s with the baby-faced kook pretending he’s a hacker spreading anarchy 25 years after the fact?

“Precatory bean plants may be purchased at nurseries nationwide.

“Some years ago, a few very stupid people came up with the idea of using the attractive scarlet and sable beans for rosary beads… If your target is strongly religious, then these beads can easily be modified to kill.???

[Hutchkinson continues with the advice to scarify the rosary peas so that the abrin might leak out and poison anyone who handles them. Since abrin is a protein, it can’t be much of a contact poison, any more than you can eat a piece of meat by putting it on your skin, but Hutchkinson, of course, does not know this. He is more interested in poisoning the Pope.]

“As the abrin slowly kills your target, an interesting cycle will begin. The worse your target gets, the more he will pray with his rosary beads, which will only make him worse… ???

“These items make wonderful presents for the religious target. We’d send one to the Pope, but he already has nineteen hundred years of Christian spoils to adorn himself with.???

— Maxwell Hutchkinson, The Poisoner’s Handbook

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