
Blues for the enjoyment of corporate fascism

Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Rock 'n' Roll at 4:29 pm by George Smith

The still life of a thicket of Colt 45s grows more lush. At the very end, the hand makes an appearance.

The glitzy version, full rock band with swiped GE commercial, was made about three years ago.

Since then, not so amazingly, nothing has changed.

And Tapatio sells more at my neighborhood market than Sriracha (1) so it makes an appearance. The packets come in bags of potato chips from Mexico, not at all a bad idea.

As an existential question that falls naturally from the music: What is one to do when you’ve been locked out of everything you are able to do in American life?

Since it’s now a condition that affects millions, it’s of some importance.

My answer is that in choosing not to answer it, the country will be an historic and unique example of a corporate fascist state characterized of crushing poverty and small enclaves of well-being where the wealthy and their high-button servants live, sub-nations where the people are protected by the security infrastructure and the general national character of servile obedience to wealth.

Fed by workers who bring them their meals through TaskRabbit, they will be continually delighted by consumer electronics from Apple, always enhanced by apps which allow them to use simple finger motions to summon the help.

1. Town burghers decided they did not want to continue bad relations with the company, anyway. Two weeks after the national news fight, everyone made nice.

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