Ted Nugent’s extortion gig
I’ve written about the extortion job America’s most beloved classic rock bigot pulls on those who get cold feet after booking him for their family-friendly events. And Nugent’s lawyers are now busy bag men, squeezing decent sums for nothing out of the six venues that canceled on him this summer due to bad publicity over his being … America’s most beloved classic rock bigot.
From the Columbian, a newspaper in Oregon:
Controversial rocker Ted Nugent didn’t play a note at the Clark County Fair, but that didn’t prevent him from collecting a settlement worth $45,000 …
Nugent’s original contract called for him to be paid $61,500 for a show at the Clark County Fair.
The fair announced Nugent would be a performer in late April. Almost immediately, some residents expressed concern that Nugent, known for his right wing views and racy lyrics, was not a good fit for a family-friendly concert. A petition began circulating on the website MoveOn.org to have him taken off the bill.
Shortly after the petition hit the Internet, Fair Manager John Morrison announced Nugent’s gig had been canceled.
Nugent, the newspaper replied, promptly issued a threatening e-mail:
Nugent himself wrote an email to Morrison, in which he groused that people were spreading “hateful lies” and that his shows were the “ultimate PG13 family events.”
“I respectfully recommend you do the right thing to avoid a wasteful & ridiculous long drawn out legal action to finally get to the right thing” …
Nugent’s lawyers quickly filed a breach-of-contract suit.
The Columbian adds Nugent’s litigious history, mentioning he sued the Muskegon (Michigan) Summer Celebration for $80,000 after it dropped him from its bill due to “potentially offensive racist terms.”
A couple of years ago, this blog dealt with that event here.
Earlier this summer, the city of Longview, Texas, had to pay Nugent a $16,000 go-away fee just for backing out of negotiation with him after the townspeople decided they didn’t want him for a a show on the 4th of July.
Going forward, any middling city in the heartland offered a piece of Ted Nugent’s summer tour needs to be very careful in researching his history. Nugent successfully extracts significant cash pay-outs from those who back out of a gig with him after he creates a racist stink with his mouth that rebounds nationally as well as in the community.
Either make sure his contract is rewritten so that he can be dropped if his appearance or utterances in public bring shame, fall below community standards or are offensive to groups living in the area of the show or don’t book him at all.
The guy’s literally da bomb. A business transaction is just that and does not carry with it any guarantee clause for free speech.
anon said,
October 15, 2014 at 12:33 pm
He got $16K because they decided to stop talking to him about possibly performing his act? Here I am, getting a degree and working for a living, like a sucker!
How much does it cost to look at him briefly with disdain? Will I receive a bill in the mail from his representation just for posting this comment?
George Smith said,
October 15, 2014 at 1:28 pm
Yeah, Being Ted Nugent oughta be made into a movie.
Ted Jr. said,
October 15, 2014 at 6:11 pm
Ted better enjoy these paydays while he can. As the word gets out (show biz is a very small circle) Sr. will discover ebola is more likely welcome than he is.
All the more reason to keep your opinions to yourself if you want to make a living as an entertainer.
Hard to find your way out after your journey to the centre of your mind, isn’t it.?