
Minority Report: 30 years ago, rock & roll over ‘dull, hostile twaddle’

Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Rock 'n' Roll at 2:35 pm by George Smith

From the archives of the Philadelphia Inquirer, now on-line, a review of the first Dick Destiny album in 1986:

DICK DESTINY AND THE HIGHWAY KINGS Arrogance (Destination Records * * * ): It’s less arrogance than devotion that compels Dick Destiny to sing – his howl nearly drowns out the real reason to listen to this record, i.e., the guitar playing, which for all I know may be done by Dick Destiny (lack of credits on the album jacket there, Dick). Anyway, the lead guitarist knows his way around everything from blues to heavy metal and doesn’t condescend to either genre. If the lyrics have no purpose other than to hymn rock cliches – the road, love and rock-and-roll its own bad self – the music convinces me that someone in this band is in it for the passion, not the potential for stardom.

Rated by Inky pop music critic Ken Tucker over Alice Cooper’s Constrictor (“the songs are mostly dull, hostile twaddle”) and Stacy Q’s Better Than Heaven which generated the world-wide smash, “Two of Hearts,” and nothing else.

“Can the singer whose voice is strong enough to remind you of Madonna’s with voice lessons and the performer of one of the year’s catchiest No. 1 singles (“Two of Hearts”) – the song that brought disco back into pop consciousness – sustain such excellence for a whole album?” asks Tucker. “No.”

Oh, snap!

I got three stars doing it the home-made way. They got two.

What’s that you say? Buy Loud Fold Live?


  1. Tom Paterson said,

    January 29, 2015 at 6:57 am

    A year or so ago Dick Destiny wrote:
    *Make me a believer. I’ll try anything once. This blog now accepts BitCoin.*
    What happened?

  2. George Smith said,

    January 30, 2015 at 11:17 am

    Absolutely no one used it or evinced even the slightest interest. You’re the first query, in fact, TP. I don’t even recall the password for the BitCoin wallet I started on-line. I’d have to rebuild the entire thing.

  3. Tom Paterson said,

    January 31, 2015 at 2:47 am

    Sorry, just idle curiosity. But strangely heartening …

  4. George Smith said,

    February 3, 2015 at 10:01 am

    Either way, never amounted to anything. It’s interesting to look it up on Google trends. Like so many things, it’s heavily dependent on headlines. And lately the headlines haven’t been what they used to be.

  5. George Smith said,

    February 3, 2015 at 11:31 am

    The other factor is I haven’t been enthusiastic about BitCoin so people who are. I think, would have been unlikely to read this, or want to pay for anything using it. Logical.