Atlas Shrugged Care
Courtesy of Texas Senator Ted Cruz, it’s the return of junk health insurance, more or less outlawed by Obamacare.
Explained at the New York Times, the policies that have been revived are just like my old policy prior to Obamacare. You couldn’t tell what it covered until you got sick. Then you discovered it didn’t cover anything.
From the Times:
These plans are “just the classic example of insurance that disappears exactly when you need it,??? said Jay Angoff, a former state insurance official in Missouri and New Jersey, who also worked in the Obama administration overseeing the insurance marketplace … “We’re really moving back to a market where people are going to have a hard time reading through their plan options.???
This manner of cruelty is part of the DNA of the American way. And it makes my ditties evergreen.
This will never lack for appropriateness.