
Retraining Camp

Posted in Decline and Fall, Satan's Bank at 9:06 am by George Smith

The wealthy class needs gardeners who can plant tulips.

Today, inspired by GOP Presidential candidate Thaddeus McCotter’s inimitable series, Rock Solid with Thad, DD has thrown his hat into the ring of public educational shows on national affairs, too.

And while I don’t have the same authority and gravitas conferred by government service, I play guitar a lot better.

So here’s the very first show of my public education Internet radio show, Rock Hard with Dick Destiny, episode one: Retraining Camp.

Rock Hard features a crew from the country and some of you may recognize them. And in the first show we tackle unemployment and reinvigorating your skills for the economy of the future through vocational training at Flatsonville Community College near the bucolic birthplace of author Conrad Richter. Which could be in any state you know.

DD knows Americans are busy, particularly when looking for the jobs of the future. And I’ve kept that in mind on Rock Hard! It’s advice you can take in three minutes! Although, being educational, it may seem longer.

So, again, here’s the very first episode of Rock Hard with Dick Destiny.

At Flatsonville Community College you can learn everything needed for success in the bait industry.


  1. bonze blayk said,

    July 18, 2011 at 7:12 pm


    and have undermined my slim-to-none capacity for patience with le species humaine by more-than-once inducing me to follow through on your links to the most horrid demonstrations of quasi-rock I have ever been suffered to witness.

    OTOH, your INETRADSHEW does indeed rock, and I have been unable to exile from the very deepest tendrils of my brain the provocative catch-phrase so persuasively enunciated by Your Side Kick “lil Henry”:

    It’s hard!

    In re: Rep. McCotter: I’m pretty sure that “Gimme Shelter” has become his theme song because he’s signing himself up for some of that federally-subsidized housing.


    (I am so with it. – B.A.R.BLAYK … GLOBAL EMPRESS … and proprietoress of “bonzie anne’s Bayt and Tackle”)

  2. DD said,

    July 18, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    I think we’re on the same page here, Bonze Anne Rose. You and I know Thad McCotter and the others I’ve insulted you with over the last six months just don’t make it.

    While we were trying to duplicate Black Sabbath or some dirt bag equivalent of the same in the early Seventies between maxing the PSATs, smoking Swisher Sweets and trying to figure out how to make a small box blackface Fender sound like a Marshall JTM45, these current guys were the football heroes in Texas or some parochial school in Michigan.

    So we won the war against the Soviet Union — because the kids there who had to get into the tanks heard that and thought it was really cool. But we lost the war against the American upper class.

  3. DD said,

    July 18, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    Look. you’re also the only person I know who precisely knows the value of CRACKED, the poor man’s MAD. Since we are the same age within a month or so this makes me feel good.

  4. bonze blayk said,

    July 22, 2011 at 10:51 am

    On the same page? Perhaps… perhaps not.

    But, indubitably, we are in the same VOLUME.

    Well, at least Wild Ted… uh, The Nuge, pardon me, Chairman Nugent, can still find the volume control on his amp… these guys? (snigger) … “Lost in the Reverb Chamber of Life” ;-)

    OK, so your other characterizations of me may be close to correct, but note: I did not max the PSATs; I maxed the GMATs 4 years later… and my preferences regarding tobacco ran to Douwe Egbert’s Drum and La Corona Whiffs, and in alcohol, to Carlsberg Elephant and Glenlivet: I am an upscale kind of… person.

    And here’s a DynaSoar Space Blues (Manned Space Glidebomber) live rendition of Gimme Shelter, as a sloppy counterpoint to McCotter’s rather pathetic gloss on this pivotal and indeed, epochal musotique*, to be assigned as the subject of The School of Rock’s next “Compare and Contrast” essay assignment.

    – bonzie anne

    *That’s a neologism, which I invented just for this occasion, so don’t bother looking it up.