Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 9:18 am by George Smith
On Monday, the US government and/or anonymous national security workers used the New York Times to pass standard shoeshine on cyberwar. The message: Iran is behind the attacks on US banking websites. Causing them to load slowly. Sometimes. Regular readers know it as shoeshine, the term I use to describe national security publicity efforts on […]
Posted in Crazy Weapons, Cyberterrorism, Shoeshine at 2:59 pm by George Smith
From the New York Times, today, Bret Stephens writes about what he wishes: A troubling thought for you: What if the Americans really did succeed in pressuring the Chinese to cut you off? Or what if somebody found a Stuxnet-type solution to cripple your only operational refinery or blow up the pipeline through which you […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism, Shoeshine at 9:13 am by George Smith
Formally, the Obama administration has chosen to allow the Pentagon to take the lead in describing the threat of Chinese cyberwarriors: The Obama administration on Monday explicitly accused China’s military of mounting attacks on American government computer systems and defense contractors, saying one motive could be to map “military capabilities that could be exploited during […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism, Shoeshine at 1:07 pm by George Smith
… except when he doesn’t. The US national security megaplex has set up a system rife with internal contradictions. As a consequence it has no firm ground to stand on when making arguments about what is and is not appropriate conduct by other nations. And so it is with the shoeshine of cyberwar. NSA director […]
Posted in Cyberterrorism, Shoeshine at 3:15 pm by George Smith
Bigger. The Washington Post, Not Ready for Cyberwar: This is a worrisome facet of how the United States is entering the age of cyberconflict. President Barack Obama has signed off on a new doctrine, but it remains classified. There’s a new national intelligence estimate of cyber-espionage and its economic costs, but it remains under wraps. […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 4:23 pm by George Smith
Last week I was asked by the host of China’s English news radio station in Beijing what I thought of the New York Times/Mandiant bit. I’d been on the station last year to talk about cyberwar and cybersecurity as part of an international panel. Yes, I talked with the enemy. The transcript: From China: Wondering […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 3:57 pm by George Smith
Opening graph, from Slate’s national security journalist, Fred Kaplan, on cyberwar: The New York Times’ front-page report this week that the Chinese army is hacking into America’s most sensitive computer networks from a 12-story building outside Shanghai might finally convince skeptics that the threat of “cyber warfare??? isn’t the fevered fantasy of Richard Clarke, the […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 2:41 pm by George Smith
In the last fifteen years the US government, military and intelligence agencies have established a solid reputation as regular liars about everything. Particularly when it comes to national security. Everyone knows this. Everyone also knows the mainstream news has abandoned caring about it. So every week, something intelligence insulting is repeated again, delivered on menaces, […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 12:10 pm by George Smith
The cyberwar shoeshine crowd takes holidays. But when not on holiday it fabricates and dissembles almost non-stop, often in the most absurd ways. From the well-known publication, on every newsstand you know, Infosecurity magazine: A national survey of Americans shows that a majority fear that cyber warfare is imminent and that the country will attack […]
Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Cyberterrorism at 4:58 pm by George Smith
The President can’t even get the minimum wage up to what it should be if it had been adjusted for inflation. But this is what our cyberwar shoeshine boys were saying today: One threat is that another nation could perpetrate a Stuxnet-style attack on the US. Stuxnet, the powerful cyberweapon unleashed on Iran’s nuclear fuel […]
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