
No putting girl punk rock bands in jail

Posted in Culture of Lickspittle, Rock 'n' Roll at 7:47 am by George Smith

New rule for the Department of State to lobby for: No putting girl punk rockers in jail for singing in church, ever.

St. Maria, Virgin, Drive away Putin
Drive away! Drive away Putin!
(end chorus)

Black robe, golden epaulettes
All parishioners are crawling and bowing
The ghost of freedom is in heaven
Gay pride sent to Siberia in chains

The head of the KGB is their chief saint
Leads protesters to prison under escort
In order not to offend the Holy
Women have to give birth and to love

Holy shit, shit, Lord’s shit!
Holy shit, shit, Lord’s shit!

St. Maria, Virgin, become a feminist
Become a feminist, Become a feminist
(end chorus)

Church praises the rotten dictators
The cross-bearer procession of black limousines
In school you are going to meet with a teacher-preacher
Go to class – bring him money!

Driest most unintentionally hilarious news report, ever. “If the girls are found guilty of hooliganism they could face seven years in jail.” — Ria Novosti

Trivia: Now who was the more important American innovator? Leo Fender or one of Google’s famous pontificating stooges? Note Fender Strat. (Actually, a knock-off — but it’s still a Strat.)

If this woman were in America, she could join the Tea Party:

“This is not a question of our parliamentary or presidential elections, but a criminal case about … banal hooliganism with a religious motive,” said Larisa Pavlova, who represents Lyubov Sokologorskaya, one of several people who work at the cathedral and are appearing at the trial as “victims” of Pussy Riot.

Sokologorskaya, who described herself as a “profound believer”, said only clerics were allowed at the altar and that the defendants’ bare shoulders, short skirts and “aggressive” dance moves violated church rules and offended the faithful.

“When I talk about this event, my heart hurts. It hurts that this is possible in our country,” she said. “Their punishment must be adequate so that never again is such a thing repeated.”

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